My name is Eliza Greenman and I’m an orchardist, fruit explorer, public speaker, farmer activist, and sometimes consultant. I’ve been obsessed with learning about growing fruit trees since 2007. After learning the management practices that go into producing flawless fruit, I’ve started to question the ethics currently involved in producing the status quo. This blog presents my thoughts, ideas, observations, failures, successes, excitement, provocations and mischief involved in tree and orchard care.
Eliza lays out her ideas in “There’s More to Eating Ugly” on what it means to “eat ugly,” that is, to eat vegetable and fruit “seconds” that may not be grocery-store perfect, but are just as viable a food source, and most of which are far healthier for you than the coddled, sprayed, or genetically-engineered “firsts.” As she says, “eating truly ugly fruits and vegetables can help to heal your watershed.” She comes at every problem with the enthusiasm and intelligence of a lifelong student. Just browsing through her blog for a few minutes gave me so many ideas of my own to try!