Call for submissions: Coming & Going

Where Topology headquarters is in Michigan, spring is going and summer is coming, which gets us thinking about our July theme—the last one for volume 1 of Topology. Information is below about the theme, including the deadline and questions to get you thinking. As always, we’re accepting poetry, narrative essays, and images. Thank you for your consideration!

Coming & Going

Submission deadline: June 13
Publishing dates: July 4-22

Staying put has its virtues, but in the course of normal life events, most of us find ourselves leaving one place and entering another, for better or worse or just…the same. What places have you left behind, and what places have you come into? This issue will feature stories of exit and entry, and perhaps even re-entry.


  • What is the first place that you ever left behind? What do you remember most vividly?
  • Sometimes leaving place is figurative, as you or the place change from what you once were. When have you experienced this kind of shift?
  • When have you experienced staying in the same place while someone else left or arrived?
  • What’s the story of how you came to the place you now call home? Where were you before you occupied your current place?
  • What place do you wish you could return to now?
  • How would you tell your family’s story through the lens of coming and going?
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