Call for submissions: Waterways

We hope this note finds you well wherever you are! The March issue is in the works, so it’s time to ask y’all for submissions for the April issue on the theme of Waterways. But first:

Did anything in particular stand out to you from the Bodies issue, either an individual piece or a theme? Write a letter to the editor by Sunday and we’ll consider publishing it next week!

And now: back to our scheduled programming. Details about the Waterways issue, including questions to get you thinking, are below. You can send submissions through our online form and you can review our editorial guidelines here. Thank you for your consideration!

1.7: Waterways

Submission deadline: March 11
Publishing dates: April 4-22

Water can be scarce or abundant, life-giving or death-dealing, gentle or furious, domesticated or wild. The crisis in Flint, Michigan has propelled a particular waterway into international news again, and yet water is always on the mind in every place as we hope for it when and how we need it to live. Reflections on the bodies of waters near our hearts and near our homes, for better or worse.

  • What is the waterway like closest to your home? What is your relationship to it? Describe the walk from your front door to this water.
  • What happens to the water that falls on the roof of your home?
  • What bodies of water have a strong presence in your childhood memories? Why?
  • Water can elicit strong feelings of love or fear or both. What watery places do you think of when you hear these words?
  • What are the current water issues in your municipality? What water issues from the past have shaped your community’s story?
  • How do waterways serve to unite or divide your place?
  • If a visitor were to assess your place based on your waterways, what would they conclude?
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