EssayMarch 8, 2017<March 6, 2017 From solastalgia to philopatria: A call to watershed discipleship by Ched Myers Editor’s Note: The following is an excerpt of a larger essay titled, “A Reflection on Isaiah 5, Ecological Solipsism, and ‘Watershed Discipleship’,” which appeared…
EditorialJanuary 2, 2017<January 1, 2017 Sabbath for hard times by Kirstin Vander Giessen-Reitsma All those people out there walking the roads all those years, hardly a one of them remembering the Sabbath. Who would know what day…
EssayMay 18, 2016<May 18, 2016 A common treasury for all by Henry Bakker Editor’s Note: This essay is the last in a series of three. Part one explored the differences between the money code of value and…
EssayMay 11, 2016<May 11, 2016 Breeding for profit by Henry Bakker Editor’s note: A portion of this essay was originally published in Geez Magazine, issue 17. It is currently part two of a three-part series,…