ThrowbackJanuary 7, 2016<January 7, 2016 Finding God in the silence by Karissa Knox Sorrell Editor’s note: Each Thursday, we feature a throwback piece from Topology’s predecessor, catapult magazine. In this essay, Karissa Knox Sorrell explores a critical shift…
EssayNovember 4, 2015<November 10, 2015 Gathering clouds by Kathryn T. Jones For several years, my 90-year-old mother has dreaded the approach of winter. She lives in wool sweaters, pockets stuffed with tissues. She wraps in…
EditorialNovember 2, 2015<February 15, 2016 A time to grieve by Kirstin Vander Giessen-Reitsma At the first signs of decline, I saw the illusion I’d buried in the depths of my subconscious float to the surface: I had…
EditorialOctober 5, 2015<February 15, 2016 Loser by Kirstin Vander Giessen-Reitsma or the inaugural issue of Topology Magazine, our editorial board thought it would be fitting to set the tone with a consideration of various…