Ten things to do on Sabbath

Ten things to do on Sabbath

Put away the to-do list.
It will be there upon your return.

In the morning, lie in bed.
Be. Read. Let your dog climb into bed next to you.

It is from knowing that God holds all and His posture towards us is love that allows us to rest, offering all to Him in thanksgiving.

Take a nap.
Do not set an alarm.

Use a Sabbath quilt, a quilt only used on Sabbath.
Use it to sleep under on a cold day. Use it for a picnic in a park. Lie on it to watch a movie on your living room floor.

Be in creation.
Hike at your favorite park. Bike to a forgotten neighborhood park. Lie under the tree in your backyard.

Write an essay or make a mind map of the stirrings within you. Draw the view outside your window. Sew a skirt. Create something on a whim, without a plan.

Dance on a hiking trail, or perhaps in the kitchen while cooking, or perhaps in your room with curtains drawn.

Share an extended meal with friends.
Share where God met you in the past week. Share a lament of the past week. Share a hope for the coming week.

Enjoy Sabbath food.
Top requests are ice cream, dark chocolate, and sausage.

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