Call for submissions: Transportation

Happy New Year, all! We here at Topology closed out 2015 with our third issue, “Thriftiness,” and a brief interlude to ring in the new year with our annual lists of “Ten Things.” Here’s a handy link to all of that content, in case you missed it.

Our “Noise & Silence” (January) theme started yesterday, and the content for “Bodies” (February) is in the hopper, so we’re calling your attention to the next submission deadline on the topic of “Transportation” (March). See below for dates, a description, and questions to get the wheels turning (ha). Please review our Editorial Guidelines before submitting; submissions can be sent online via our submission form. Thank you for your consideration!


Submission deadline: January 23
Publishing dates: March 7-25

Bicycle, bus, train, plane, automobile, feet—there are many ways to get to where we’re going and our places are all shaped by the necessary infrastructure for movement. From the mundane to the exceptional, these are the stories of how our modes of transportation shape our knowing of the places we pass through. Some questions to get you thinking:

  • How do you get around within the course of an ordinary week? Why?
  • Tell the story of a time that transportation from point A to point B was more than just a physical movement for you.
  • How do people get around in your community without a car? Who gets around without a car and why?
  • What is the story of your neighborhood through the lens of transportation? Why is it located where it is and how/why has it changed since it was established? How does transportation divide or unite your community?
  • What is the longest walk you have ever taken, and why? The most important walk?


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