Journey toward humanity

What is the task before us? It is as large as life itself, and remains so even when times of crisis or war narrow it to the compass of a needle’s eye, to simple No to war and violence. If we must pass through the needle’s eye, must take an unfrequented road, still our journey must not be solitary or capricious. It must be a journey with others and for others. It must form the largest possible company which is commensurate with a good conscience. It must include those who agree with us wholly,, those who disagree in part, those who confront us with unwelcome alternatives. All are our sisters and brothers: it is their task as well as our own. We journey toward humanity. We all hear the same cry in the darkness–the wounded and the violated, the neglected poor, the victims of our history, those in whose destruction we have had part.

Daniel Berrigan
“A New Exodus Underway” in Essential Writings

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