ThrowbackOctober 20, 2016<October 20, 2016 Questions of generational difference: or Gen X in my 40s by Larry Kamphausen Editor’s note: Each Thursday, we feature a throwback piece from Topology’s predecessor, catapult magazine. In this essay from 2011, Larry Edward Kamphausen explores, from…
ImageDecember 1, 2015<February 15, 2016 A good life by Kirstin Vander Giessen-Reitsma Three Rivers, Michigan (2015) My mom had asked me to take a photo of my grandparents with my sister, who was visiting our family…
EssayNovember 4, 2015<November 10, 2015 Gathering clouds by Kathryn T. Jones For several years, my 90-year-old mother has dreaded the approach of winter. She lives in wool sweaters, pockets stuffed with tissues. She wraps in…