EtceteraApril 13, 2017<April 12, 2017 Politics and the lies we tell about grief by Kirstin Vander Giessen-Reitsma When we do not take grief seriously—our own and another’s—but merely cover its wounds with a garish fairy tale of winking soldiers cheering from…
EssayFebruary 15, 2017<February 15, 2017 On “tyrannese”: A fake interview with Wendell Berry by Henry Bakker Well, it’s been a disorienting couple of weeks under the new regime, and while sales of George Orwell’s 1984 pushed the dystopian novel into…
EssayNovember 29, 2016<November 29, 2016 Donald Trump, caregiver by Randy Smit Editor’s Note: The following essay is in response to a prompt to share personal stories about the potential impact of the election of Donald…