EssayJanuary 4, 2017<January 4, 2017 How the light gets in by Katie Karnehm-Esh I. I drive south from Fort Wayne—Vera Bradley, Fried chicken, Huggy Bear Motel, Pilot Gas—while the radio stations fade, one by one, into sermons…
EditorialNovember 7, 2016<November 7, 2016 Memories of Main Street by Kirstin Vander Giessen-Reitsma My Saturday takes me round-trip. I start the morning with a volunteer shift in the downtown fair trade store my husband and I helped…
EssayNovember 9, 2015<November 10, 2015 Indiana winter, take one by Ben Brazil On the day it reached 13 degrees below zero, I decided to go for a walk. Our dog begged to go after weeks marooned…