Having myself over for dinner
byEditor’s note: Each Thursday, we feature a throwback piece from Topology’s predecessor, catapult magazine. In this essay from 2009, Joy-Elizabeth Lawrence explores the many…
Editor’s note: Each Thursday, we feature a throwback piece from Topology’s predecessor, catapult magazine. In this essay from 2009, Joy-Elizabeth Lawrence explores the many…
Thomas Jefferson, Tod points out, presumed on the basis of colonial experience that farming and democracy are intimately connected. Cultivation of land meets the…
It is a cool and damp morning on this day late in September, after a night of hard rain and blustery winds that flipped…
The garden’s season-long transit from seed to ripe fruit—will you get a load of that zucchini?!—suggests that the operations of addition and multiplication still…
Planted a sandy pile far back past the swing-set in full sun over top that dead dog buried there. And as worms ribbon in…
We have lost the innate knowledge and traditional crafts essential to countless functions for our daily survival, with the end result being a disconnection…
Sunday after church: we tumble through the front door of Grandpa and Grandma’s house, kick off our Sunday shoes in a pile in the…
Thinking about, gathering, researching (menus, diets, recipes), and preparing food for others is very real sharing. What sort of coffee, tea, or cocoa does…