Call for submissions: Borders & Boundaries

“Local Government” (February) started going live this week, “Solastalgia” (March) is in the works, and for submissions, we turn our attention to “Borders & Boundaries” (April). The deadline for submissions is March 4, and a description and prompts are below, along with links to our editorial guidelines and online submission form. As always, we’re looking for:

  • Narrative essays
  • Poetry
  • Images

What comes to mind for “Borders & Boundaries?” We can’t wait to see what you come up with! Thank you for your consideration.

Editorial guidelines
Online submission form

Borders & Boundaries

Submission deadline: March 4
Publishing dates: April 3-21

Borders and boundaries take many forms in the places where we find ourselves, from those that are personal and figurative to those that are social and concrete. This issue of Topology will explore the ways that borders and boundaries—past, present, and perhaps even future—shape us as individuals and communities.


  • How do the geographical boundaries in the place where you live compare to the municipal boundaries? What about the cultural boundaries?
  • Borders can be barely noticeable or they can be dramatic and hugely significant. What borders have mattered in your life, and in what ways?
  • Borders are created by humans, and yet crossing them often takes on a moral dimension—a “right” and a “wrong” where, before, there was simply space. How have you seen this play out in the places where you’ve lived, worked, or visited?
  • If you think about the role that boundaries played in your growing up years, what stories come to mind?
  • Most family histories involve a significant border crossing. When did it happen in your family, as far as you know, and what does it mean for your generation now? Or if there was no significant border crossing, what does that mean for you?
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