Call for submissions: Sharing Food

Welcome to new readers and contributors who found us through the Festival of Faith & Writing! For their benefit (and others who are new): Topology is a volunteer-run online magazine that focuses on place, and encouraging deeply-rooted living in our places through storytelling. We publish essays, poetry, and images that reflect this commitment in some way. Our monthly issue themes run for three weeks in the middle of each month, with miscellaneous content in between.

We’re currently seeking content for our June issue theme on “Sharing Food.” A description of the theme is below, along with prompt questions and the deadline. Please contact us if you have any questions. You can send submissions through our online form and you can review our editorial guidelines here.  We look forward to hearing from you!

Sharing Food

Submission deadline: May 11
Publishing dates: June 6-24

Eating food provides necessary nourishment for the body, but one might argue that the nourishment of sharing food is equally needful. Whether it’s an evening around the table with beloved others or a bumper crop from the garden or a Eucharist that takes our breath away, sharing food connects us to one another and to the earth like few other acts can.


• What kinds of shared meals—ordinary or extraordinary—are part of your rhythm of life?

• Describe an exceptional meal that you’ve shared with others. Who was there? Who wasn’t there?

• In what ways do you share food with non-human creatures?

• What choices or limitations make it difficult for you to share food with others?

• Tell the story of a time that you experienced radical abundance (or scarcity) of food.

• If you were to draw a map of where your food comes from in an average week, what would that map look like? What do you wish that map looked like?

• Where (and how and why) do people share food within walking distance of your home?

• What has growing or raising your own food taught you about sharing?

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